Apply for Assistance from LRCF
Uniting Our Community - Helping Those In Need
LRCF Program of Support
The Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation administers a community program of support for individuals through a confidential application process. Assistance varies according to need and availability of funds.
Many forms of cancer are curable, but the fight is often exhausting financially, physically, and mentally. Cancer patients and their families face many needs that often are not covered by insurances or government programs.
Some of these unmet needs might include, but are not limited to:
- Transportation & Lodging
- Gas Money
- Medical Supplies & Equipment
- Medical Bills not covered by insurance
- Deductibles/Co-Insurance
- Prosthesis
The Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation offers assistance to help with these needs. Monies from the Rhodes Trust (est. 2002), supplemented by local fundraising, cover last resort financial assistance which might not otherwise be available to Bond County cancer patients.
If you, a family member, friend, or another individual you are caring for may benefit from this kind of assistance,
please download the application brochure below and return to:
Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation
PO Box 496
Greenville, IL 62246
Fax: 618-664-9682.
Application For Assistance Form - alternate RTF filetype.
Brochures are also available at Bond County Health Department (1520 South Fourth Street, Greenville, Illinois); HSHS Holy Family Hospital; Third Street Market (520 South Third Street, Greenville); local churches; and local doctors’ offices.

The Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation Board is composed of community leaders who oversee the policies and operations of the foundation and who administer financial and other assistance to cancer patients and their families. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization.
If you have further questions, please contact us by phone, fax, postal mail, or Facebook and a representative of the Foundation will contact you.
“The Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation serves as a model of what can happen when individuals’ generosity and community compassion unite to address the ill effects of cancer.” - LRCF Fundraising Committee 2016